
Image result for stephen hawking formula
This equation establishes the relationship between a black hole’s entropy and its size.
where  S is the black hole entropy, A is the surface area of the black hole event horizon, k is Boltzmann’s constant,  c is Einstein’s speed of light,  h is Planck’s constant and G is Newton’s gravitational constant. The subscript BH stands for either “black hole” or “Bekenstein–Hawking”. This relationship between concepts from the disparate fields of general relativity, quantum mechanics and thermodynamics implies the existence of deep connections between them and may presage their unification. It can be more simply expressed as a proportionality between two dimensionless ratios:

{\displaystyle {\frac {S_{\text{BH}}}{k}}={\frac {1}{4}}{\frac {A}{A_{\text{P}}}},}

where {\displaystyle A_{\text{P}}=hG/2\pi c^{3}} is the Planck area (the unit of area in quantum mechanics). Use of Planck units (in which k and  {\displaystyle A_{\text{P}}} are set to unity) simplifies it further to:

{\displaystyle S_{\text{BH}}={\frac {A}{4}}.}

Bekenstein had conjectured the proportionality; Hawking confirmed it and established the constant of proportionality at  1/4. Calculations based on string theory, first carried out in 1995, have been found to yield the same result.

Image result for stephen hawking discoveries

Here is a timeline of some of Prof Hawking’s key discoveries and works.

1966 – Completes doctorate and is awarded fellowship at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. He works on singularities in the theory of general relativity and applies ideas to the study of black holes.

1968 – Publishes Large Scale Structure of Space-Time

1970 – Discovers that by using quantum theory and general relativity he is able to show that black holes can emit radiation.

1973 – In the same year he joins the department of applied mathematics and theoretical physics at Cambridge, he discovers that black holes could leak energy and particles into space, and could even explode. It is published in the journal Nature, a year later. The theory is known as Hawking radiation.

1976 – Calculates that once a black hole forms, it radiates energy and starts losing mass. The radiation gives no information about matter inside the black hole and once the hole disappears, all the information goes with it.

1988 – Publishes A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes. The book is a worldwide best seller

1993 – Publishes Black Holes and Baby Universes, and other Essays, a collection of scientific articles exploring ways in which the universe may be governed.

1998 – Publishes Stephen Hawking’s Universe: The Cosmos Explained, a book about the basis of existence.

2001 – Publishes Universe in a Nutshell in the UK, a book explaining to a general audience recent breakthroughs in physics.

2002 – Publishes The Theory of Everything: The Origin and Fate of the Universe, a book presenting the most complex theories of physics past and present

2004 – Announces he has solved the Black Hole paradox. In doing so, he concedes that he lost a bet that he an Caltech theorist Kip Thorne had made with John Preskill, also of Caltech, about black holes. After nearly 30 years of arguing black holes destroy everything that falls into it, he admits that they may allow information within them to escape.